Confirmed Plenary Speakers

We are pleased to announce the following confirmed plenary speakers:

Robert Bernasconi (Penn State University)

Adriaan Peperzak (Loyola University, Chicago)

Lisa Guenther (Vanderbilt University). Professor Guenther’s talk is generously sponsored by Société Internationale de Recherche Emmanuel Levinas (SIREL)

We are also pleased to announce that Georges Hansel will again deliver an annual Talmudic Reading. Continuing in the tradition of Levinas’s Talmudic readings, which he delivered at the annual colloquia of French speaking Jewish intellectuals in Paris, Prof. Hansel’s readings have become a celebrated tradition of our conferences.

The 2011 NALS conference builds on the success of our historic 2010 conference in Toulouse, France, which was graciously hosted by SIREL and made possible by the diligent and cordial work of the Hansel family. The NALS enthusiastically welcomes the attendance of David Hansel, George Hansel, Joelle Hansel, and Simone (Levinas) Hansel to our sixth annual meeting and conference.



Individual paper proposals should be 200-300 words for a 20-minute presentation.

Panel proposals should be 500 words for a 75-minute session.  Please include the session title and name of organizer or chair, along with the participants’ names, institutional affiliations, disciplines or departments, and brief abstracts detailing the focus of each paper.

Please prepare materials for blind review and send them via email attachment (preferably Microsoft Word, .DOC format) to:

If you have questions regarding the Society or the conference, please send inquiries to For information on local arrangements, contact Claire Katz at

Information about the conference, local arrangements and registration can be found at

The deadline for submissions is December 20, 2010